Please join us for a fun-filled night as we celebrate our incredible fundraising efforts for 2022 at the Blue Bottle Gala Dinner. The evening will include guest speakers, recaps of our epic events, and fundraising activities. Help us raise crucial funds for The Kids’ Cancer Project to find treatments and cures for childhood cancer.
For more information about our "Reef 2 Water" Jet Ski Trek & Blue Bottle Gala Dinner, please visit our 'Events' tab.
Please show your support for our JetSki Riders, who will be travelling 1,500KM from Long Reef NSW to Agnes Water QLD raising money for The Kids’ Cancer Project.
Blue Bottle Team
Reef 2 Water JetSki Rider, Be a Pineapple & Social Media Coordinator and Alana’s Brother
What are you most excited about for the Reef 2 Water Trek?
I’m most excited about getting started! After months of anticipation, training and hard work to make everything go smoothly, it will be incredible to leave Long Reef and wave goodbye as we embark on the incredible journey of my sister Alana’s bottle.
What are you most nervous about?
One of my greatest fears is SHARKS, so I’m not too keen for the ride around the breeding grounds at Byron & Ballina!
What does Blue Bottle Reef 2 Water mean to you?
The physical blue bottle will forever be one of my closest connections to my incredible sister. The trek is an amazing opportunity to raise awareness and much needed funds to fight childhood cancer, but I also hope following the bottle’s miraculous journey will strengthen me mentally after losing Alana.
Which leg of the Reef 2 Water Trek are you most looking forward to?
Burleigh Head to Brisbane! I think seeing the Gold Coast coastline will be incredible on a JetSki and the Broadwater inside Stradbroke Island was the place I first found my Jet Skiing passion!
What’s the first thing you will do when you officially finish the Trek at Agnes Water?
I will kiss my sister’s ring and bracelet, and thank her for the safe journey and for bringing us to the incredible Agnes Water once again.

“A bit of everything” and Alana’s Mum
What does Blue Bottle mean to you??
I am convinced that my beautiful girl had something to do with that little blue bottle being found at Agnes Water. This has brought me so much comfort, and assurance that she is OK and will always be with us. I miss Alana so much, but seeing that bottle in our living room at home makes me smile because I feel like it’s a little cuddle from her.
What has been your most memorable Blue Bottle moment so far??
The phone call I got from Mel in Agnes Water to tell us that they had found the bottle. It was a particularly low day for Paul and I, and the most amazing miracle came so unexpectedly out of nowhere. Then our trip to Agnes Water in September to meet the Coopers, and retrieve the bottle was such an emotional, amazing memorable experience ….
What are you most excited about??
While Alana was sick, so many people from everywhere wanted to help, but at that time all we wanted was for Alana to get better. Now, I am excited to share our plans with everyone and get them involved. The support we are getting so far is incredible, I really feel that Blue Bottle can do great things!!
What would you say to anyone who is thinking of supporting Blue Bottle??
Please, please be generous in your support. We lost our beautiful Alana to a horrible disease, a disease that sadly touches so many families. During Alana’s illness we felt helpless and had no control over anything. Now we feel that we can truly do something – we are helping find a cure …. and you can too!!

Reef 2 Water JetSki Rider and Alana’s Dad
What are you most excited about for the Reef 2 Water Trek?
Getting to ride around on a JetSki at every possible moment and calling it ‘training’. Also I can’t wait to see our incredible coastline from a different perspective.
What are you most nervous about?
Whether my body is going to survive the journey and praying that we don’t have any shark encounters.
What does Blue Bottle Reef 2 Water mean to you?
The story behind the bottle’s journey is quite incredible when you consider all the coincidences involved so much so that it has convinced me that Alana had some involvement in it all. To be able to retrace the journey of the bottle in memory of Alana whilst raising money for research into kids’ cancer is something that would make Alana proud and bring a smile to her face.
Which leg of the Reef 2 Water Trek are you most looking forward to?
The Gold Coast to Brisbane leg as hopefully the water will be smooth and we can enjoy zipping around the islands near Stradbroke.
What’s the first thing you will do when you officially finish the Trek at Agnes Water?
Look up to the sky and tell Alana that I love her and then enjoy the moment with my family and friends. No doubt there will be some celebratory drinks and also a lot of people to thank for making it all possible.

Reef 2 Water JetSki Rider and “the man who found the bottle”
What are you most excited about for the Reef 2 Water Trek?
If the Blue Bottle Trek can stop people in their everyday runnings of life, as Alana’s bottle did for me, and can raise awareness of this horrible disease that affects so many children and families, then I am not only excited but privileged to be a part of it.
What are you most nervous about?
Nervous….. nerves are something that remind me of being alive and having the ability to tackle something that I don’t know the end result of. For me this will be a huge test of my inner strength of mind and body. My education from Paul, Jacqui and Jake about Alana’s strength says it all for me. I’m here, love life, don’t waste it and don’t be scared of nerves.
What does Blue Bottle Reef 2 Water mean to you?
It’s the start of something special. I’ve never been a part of something like this, let alone actually doing it!! I feel lucky, challenged and again, privileged and truly hope this makes a difference.
Which leg of the Reef 2 Water Trek are you most looking forward to?
We have a start and a finish that will be pretty special. But it’s the in between bits that I am looking forward to.
What’s the first thing you will do when you officially finish the Trek at Agnes Water?
Probably cry …. as this journey has the ability to do that to me. But after that, embrace my wife, my kids and friends, and feel great about what we have achieved, and have a beer or three!!

Fundraising & Events Support and Alana’s Auntie
What does Blue Bottle mean to you??
A ‘miracle’ that we received from Alana, which has in turn created our wonderful ‘Blue Bottle’ project team that will be everlasting for our family and our community.
What has been your most memorable Blue Bottle moment so far??
Certainly the exposure the story received from “The Project” TV show and also the love and support from the Cooper Family.
What are you most excited about??
Bloody everything, including the Trek, the Human Pineapple, our Blue Bottle project future to assist protecting other families going through what our precious Alana had to endure.
What would you say to anyone who is thinking of supporting Blue Bottle??
Be generous so together we can work towards a Cancer free world, STOP the heartache of cancer for both kids and adults.

Sponsorship Manager and Alana’s Uncle
What does Blue Bottle mean to you??
Blue Bottle provides awareness, support and hope for the eradication of all childhood cancers, while always remembering our Pineapple Princess – Alana de Kort.
What has been your most memorable Blue Bottle moment so far??
Coming together as a united and passionate group with an unwavering determination to make the Trek happen!!
What are you most excited about??
Seeing what can be achieved and feeling the energy and community spirit generated.
What would you say to anyone who is thinking of supporting Blue Bottle??
Jump onboard as this shit disease will only be overcome with the support of many.

Fundraising & Events Support and Alana’s Auntie
What does Blue Bottle mean to you??
Blue Bottle is a way for the community, family and friends to come together to help spread awareness and raise much needed money for kids cancer research. It is exciting to be teaming up with The Kids’ Cancer Project to make this happen, the possibilities are endless!
What has been your most memorable Blue Bottle moment so far??
Blue Bottle has provided a spark to our family in so many ways and it’s exciting to see this is being used in a positive way. It is heart-warming to see that this is really becoming a reality, there are a great bunch of ‘doers’ in this group!
What are you most excited about??
I am most excited to see everyone come together on the day it all happens, not only with our attempt at the world’s biggest human pineapple, but to see the trek kick off. I am excited to see how much awareness we can spread to get the much needed funds for this cause.
What would you say to anyone who is thinking of supporting Blue Bottle??
Please spread the word! Cancer does not discriminate (our family is living proof of this) – sadly, everyone knows someone who has been affected by cancer and the only way we can stop this is by raising money into more research. Wouldn’t it be nice to live in the world where cancer only belongs in a history book?

Reef 2 Water Land Crew Manager and Alana’s Friend
What are you most excited about for the Reef 2 Water Trek?
Sharing the experience with Paul, Jacqui and Jake.
What are you most nervous about?
Letting the team down …
What does Blue Bottle Reef 2 Water mean to you?
That’s personal …
Which leg of the Reef 2 Water Trek are you most looking forward to?
The last leg, everyone arriving safely.
What’s the first thing you will do when you officially finish the Trek at Agnes Water?
Take a private moment and speak with Alana.

Fundraising & Events Support and Alana’s Friend
What does Blue Bottle mean to you??
That they are nasty little sea creatures …..
Seriously though, a Blue Bottle thrown into the water off Long Reef containing heart felt messages from family and friends in memory of Alana is what has meaning for me.
What has been your most memorable Blue Bottle moment so far??
First memory was when my husband Paul got the phone call from Alana’s Dad Ort saying that a family had found the bottle, unbelievably around the time of Alana’s anniversary. Then hearing about the amazing ideas of an adventure to follow the path of the “Blue Bottle”.
What are you most excited about??
The trial weekend in January, to see how the boys are going to cope with riding JetSkis on the open ocean and hoping it all goes to plan. Then if all goes well, looking forward to the big event down the track and seeing all the support we will get along the way. I am also excited about meeting Bob and his family.
What would you say to anyone who is thinking of supporting Blue Bottle??
That it’s a special group put together in support of a beautiful family that has gone through something that no family should have to go through. Watching their child get sick and putting up a brave fight and then having to say goodbye to them because there is no cure. They will be supporting a fantastic cause and raising awareness and money to help find a cure for kids’ cancer.